Conference 2021
Conference 2019
Keynote 1 John Zeckendorf Adventurer John has a very long and varied resume. With his financial background he has worked as an accountant, founded his own company, works currently with the organisation Power to Change, a Christian organisation that connects people to Jesus and each other. John has been on the Board of Pathways Tasmania…
Conference 2018
Keynote 1 – Universities and Disagreeing Well Dr Michael Spence Vice-Chancellor and Principal University of Sydney We all know how to hold in respect those whose opinions we admire, or whose worldviews we share. But what does it mean to respect those with whom we are in profound dispute, those whose values and choice are…
Conference 2017
Keynote 1 – Joy in Leadership A Peacekeeper’s Perspective on Joy in Leadership Matina Jewell, Global Keynote Speaker, Author and Thought Leader Keynote 2 – Joy in Prayer How Prayer Spaces in Schools are helping students to connect with God Phil Togwell, Director, Prayer Spaces in Schools, a Minister of 24-7, UK Keynote 3 –…
Conference 2016
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ex tellus, iaculis eget consectetur in, sodales eu turpis. Fusce justo est, imperdiet sit amet justo vitae, viverra tincidunt ipsum. Nullam id eros quis felis tincidunt bibendum. In nec elit in nibh ultricies convallis. Nunc sed sem et lectus scelerisque pharetra. Nunc tincidunt sollicitudin dui, vel…
Conference 2015
Gen E. The Generation for the Disrupt or be Disrupted World Rufus Black, Master of Ormond College, The University of Melbourne Communities of Transformation Sarah Bachelard, Director of the Benedictus Contemplative Church, Research Fellow at the Australian Catholic University Dan Haesler, International Speaker, Teacher, Writer and Consultant Avant Garde or Anomaly: The Emergent Future…
Conference 2014
Official Conference Opening, Friday 8 August Fiona Godfrey, ASA National President and Principal, Radford College, ACT Opening Address Keynote Address, Friday 8 August Dr Paula Gooder, Theologian in Residence, Bible Society, England, UK Body, Soul, Mind and Spirit: The Soul and its Importance in the New Testament Keynote Address, Saturday 9 August Dr Bruce Robinson,…
Conference 2013
Come to the Edge – Where faith meets learning Mr Mark Sayers Faith and the Future – papers are unavailable for this speaker Professor Gregory Blainey, AC Is Christianity in Hiding? – papers are unavailable for this speaker Ms Valerie Browning Education: for Us, It Begins Under a Tree Mr Brad Chapman Cross-cultural Service Learning:…
Conference 2012
Anglican Schools: Renewing Minds, Changing Lives 2012 Conference Papers Mr Frank Stootman Christian Education in an Atheist Culture The Reverend Dr Philip Hughes – Dr Hughes papers are available on request from the ASA Secretariat Putting Life Together in Anglican Schools in 2012 Shaping the World of Young People Dr Justine Toh Everyday Theology for the iWorld…
Conference 2011
Growing UP Innocence to Inner Sense Keynote speakers at the Annual Conference have declined to have their papers uploaded to the ASA Website
Conference 2010
Burning But Not Consumed, Faith through the Fire To to view the Conference Brochure – Click here Dr David Tacey The Present Strife between Religion and Spirituality and its Potential Reconcillation Mr Robert Bland AM Embracing the Fire with Courage and Compassion The Reverend Canon Craig Moody Who is the spiritual leader of you school? Josie…
Conference 2009
Beauty For Brokenness: The Appeal Of Anglicanism Dr Jennifer Barr Indigenous Education in Anglican Schools The Reverend Andrew Minton Shared Stories, Sacred Stories The Venerable Christopher Chataway Building Linkes Between the Parish & School Community Dr Phillip Tolliday Forgiveness – A Measure of Resilience The Reverend Toby Sherring Beauty and Anglican Worship in Schools Notes
Conference 2008
Faith In Action Michael Chaney Reflections on some governance challenges Dr Trevor Cooling Go and make Disciples: education as Christian mission Preparing students for a world of religious diversity – workshop Phillip Heath Two-way endeavour: partnerships for indigenous and non-indigenous Australians Rick Tudor Chaplain/Principal Relationships: who follows that leader – workshop Conference 2008 Papers 2008…
Conference 2007
The Wired Generation: Faith, Learning and Community with Generation Y The Most Reverend Phillip Aspinall Conference Opening Service: Wired for Belonging The Most Reverend Philip Freier Conference Sermon Professor Richard Jones Public Good in the Digital Age The Reverend Peter Corney OAM Communicating a living faith to Generation Y Huw Luscombe Alt. Worship, Virtual communities…
Conference 2006
Salt & Light Ian Keast Concerned about the supply line? recruiting teachers for our schools The Reverend Paul Bland and Reverend Naomi Cooke 3B in the Crucible The Reverend John McIntyre Conscience to the Nation? nurturing the prophetic voice Linda Kurti Being Salt: christian witness through international partnership Moffat Wasuka Salt and Light to a…
Conference 1999
27 – 30 May 1999, All Saints’ Anglican School, Qld Annual Conference – The Essence of Anglican Schooling? Our response for a Post Modern Culture Annual Seminar – Future directions for Chaplaincy, Religious Education and Worship in Anglican Schools