The Reverend Richard Pengelley – A Reflection on a Career in Chaplaincy
Formal chaplaincy started for me in 1989 as a PE Teacher at Hale School in Perth. The brainchild of the new Headmaster, John Inverarity, it

2024 Life Membership Recipient
The Most Reverend Dr Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne and Metropolitan of Victoria, was honoured with Life Membership at the 2024 Annual Conference Dinner. For

Soulful Stories Oct 2024, Jenny Sonneman, Chaplain and Head of Religious Education at Ivanhoe Girl’s Grammar School.
I have come into School Chaplaincy a little later than many other Chaplains that I meet. I was in my late 40s when I began.

Archbishop of Adelaide and Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia
Anglican schools are a vibrant part of the Australian education landscape and make a very positive contribution to the lives of students, their families and our wider community. As someone who has enjoyed significant engagement with Anglican schools over the years I am very supportive of their work and their important place in the life and mission of our church.
It is my hope that Anglican Schools Australia can continue to encourage, connect and represent our schools so it is my pleasure to welcome you to the website and to the work of ASA.
Grace and peace in Christ Jesus
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Anglican Schools Australia (ASA) website.
We hope this resource, and its links to other sources, will provide Anglican school leaders, chaplains, senior staff and board members with information and advice that enables them to successfully lead and manage their schools.
We hope you will use this website as a means of communicating with colleagues at other Anglican schools as well as with ASA staff.

Mrs Debbie Dunwoody
ASA President
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