ASA Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027



On behalf of the Management Committee of Anglican Schools Australia, we are pleased to present to you, our Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

The core purpose of ASA is to serve, support and connect Anglican schools in living their Anglican Identity, and this plan creates a clear direction on the journey ahead.

We all belong to a community of Anglican schooling and our commitment to these values is what ties us together. This is about connecting schools and connecting people.

This plan is our vision. It shows how we are living our purpose and values.

Our Strategic Plan 2023-2027 is focused on four core activities to help Anglican Schools Australia achieve our purpose. These four core areas are: Anglican Identity, Support Chaplaincy, Engagement through Advocacy, and Sustainability and Growth.

Under each of these activities sit targeted objectives that will ensure Anglican Schools Australia continues to serve, support and connect Anglican schools and the people within them.

Inspired by Christ, we embrace service, integrity and inclusion.